Saturday, 5 March 2016

Trip Around George Town

On the first of March 2016, we went to Georgetown to conduct our research. We arrived there in the morning. At first we walked with other groups but, it is hard to conduct our research by walking with them so we split up. We walked around George Town searching for our potential icon that is the gallery and mosque. While I was taking the photograph, my partner was busy looking at the map to find our way around George Town.

Although most of the time we were lost, eventually we end up finding our icon. We found a few Galleries and Mosques in our way. Among the galleries are Penang Hajj Gallery, Armenian Gallery, Khat Pulau Pinang Gallery, and Seni Mutiara Gallery.  Meanwhile the mosques that we came across are the Jamek Benggali Mosque, Acheen Street Malay Mosque, Pintal Tali Mosque, and Kapitan Keling Mosque.

Penang Hajj Gallery, Armenian Gallery, Khat Pulau Pinang Gallery, and Seni Mutiara Gallery

Jamek Benggali Mosque
Acheen Street Malay Mosque
Pintal Tali Mosque